Monday, May 21, 2007

Aaaaaand....he's gone

J70 Tuesday, May 22nd 2007

Damn. Just when I was getting used to having E.J. around, he up and leaves :)

My brother is now on a bus trundling its way south. By now he is probably past Mito. In 30 or 40 minutes, he'll probably see my favorite site in all of Japan; a massive range of mountains that juts up from the rocky flatland like a wall of green stone. These mountains are both huge and close to the roads and rails. They rear up like ponderous giants, and it is these mountains that finally make me understand the anthropomorphisms so commonly attributed to the bones of the world; patience, wisdom, and a sense of life far beyond mortal reckoning.

But, those are the mountains. This post is about E.J. He came two Fridays ago to Hitachi, taking a flight route similar to the one that brought me here. He then took a bus from the airport in Narita to Hitachi, where I met him after work. I walked him home, and we both crashed. The next day was Saturday, the busiest day of my week, and I had to leave him at the apartment with my keys.

I will edit this post with further information about our adventures and times in Japan together, but I have to get ready for work now. I think I will try to post both in the evenings and in the mornings, given the large gulfs of time available to me in the former. Or is it the latter? I can never keep those straight. I have lots of time in the mornings.

E.J. and I lived in the same house for most of our lives. When I left for college, he was always close by. I even moved back home for a year, and lived with he and my mom while I went to school. After graduating, I would still see him usually at least once a week. I didn't realize how much I had missed his presence in my life until he came here.

I got the bus driver to take a picture of us just before he got on.

This is me trying very hard not to cry.


LisaBit said...

Aww, I'm glad you all had a good visit :]

Also - ZOMG Nigel with no hair! Terror! It actually looks pretty good, I'm impressed. Are you losing weight? It looks like you are. Stupid healthy japanese food...

JD said...

Good picture... I'm glad you got to see The Edge, even if you did cruelly keep him from my birthday party. Hey! You missed that too! Bastard!

Freaking O'Rears, never showing up to stuff. It's like you're in another country, I swear.

Nigel said...

Yeah, EJ and I actually got hair cuts the first Monday he was here. And, yeah, I'm apparently dropping weight at a steady clip. Tom even commented on it, and it had only been two weeks since I last saw him.