Thursday, May 24, 2007


J72 Thursday, March 24th 2007

Thursdays are always a little tough. I usually don't have as much prep time as I normally do, thanks to a weekly meeting, and this morning I found myself getting in a tad later than I would have liked.

Nothing big to report, aside from the fact that two of my students had their last classes today. Both of them, Hiro-kun and Mo-chan, are amazing students. Mo-chan is in her last year of high school, and as such is starting to study in earnest for her college entrance exams. She won't have time enough for AEON and school. Hiro-kun is in a similar situation, only he has to study for tests that will let him become a Master's student at his university.

Both of them have good reasons, and I gave them nothing but encouraging words, but I was still a little sad to see them leave. Mo-chan even gave me a little goodbye card. It was terribly sweet.

Early morning tomorrow [EDITOR: So why are you still up, dingus?] at the university, handing out fliers and yelling at college students. Yay!


[Original day written: Sunday, February 25th 2007 at 8:00AM]

I'm in the Omiya train station (Omiya being the small city where the seminar house is). I walked from the seminar house to the station, taking lots of photos along the way. Snagged some LURVLY warm gloves, so now my hands are nice and toasty.

I'm at the Starbucks above the station, people watching and reading Perdido Street Station. What an amazing book! I read China Mieville's first novel, King Rat, in my Postmodernism class at GT. It was okay, but didn't find it jaw-dropping. Lisa and J.D. made mutterings that it was the best thing to happen to fiction since Scott Lynch and George R.R. Martin, but they were right twice, and thus I had to wait until I left the country before I started reading them ;)

I'm full of anpan [EDITOR: Red bean paste filled bread. Find some and eat it immediately, for it is delicious] and hot chocolate, waiting on Brain and Tara to appear from below, where the gates of the train station are in a constant state of flux. In and out, at all times, people are flowing from the turnstiles. I'm writing in this journal, which I just love to death. It's a grid-lined Moleskine that I bought at a Boarders in Atlanta for about $10. I wish I got a better pen, as the one I have now bleeds like a stuck pig, but it does alright for scratching down little notes. I'll make these better once I get the internet [EDITOR: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GET THE INTERNET WHAT A JOKE].

There is so much art here: abstract designs and architecture is varied and constant. Tiles are laid everywhere. Everywhere there are signs of age. Some designs look to have been laid down yesterday, and not a dozen yards away is a building or a wall that dates back to the War.

This Starbucks has played only American music. Sinatra and other 40s/50s stuff.

Every other group of young people could be a rock band. Style is EVERYTHING to the people I see. Hair in a variety of colors and styles, clothes with words, images, screens, and prints. Chains, zippers, leather, canvas, denim, laces. Everything is used, everything different.

Wish I had a "Bring Brack Brain" shirt. I wish I had another shirt, period. I've only got a grey sleeping shirt (not at all suitable for wear outside of the room) and a blue button-up short-sleeved shirt. I do laundry every day, sometimes twice a day, just to be sure I have enough clean stuff to wear. I have this Survivor/Curusoe thing going on, so that's one good thing I've got going for me.

Oh, hey, Brain!

And Tara!

Oh, God, I am so tired. I'm at a restaurant in Harajuku [EDITOR: Cooler than you think, despite Gwen Steffani's best efforts] called the Elephant Cafe. I've been out with Brain and Tara ALL day. We ate lunch at a Hard Rock Cafe, after which we went to Akihabara [EDITOR: The first trip there of many!]. We trundled up and down the main street, going into and out of a dozen massive media stores. Every possible form of media you can think of. Books, movies, music, DVDs (T.V. shows, anime, etc.)

Tara bought a bunch of stuff (it was apparently payday yesterday for her), but I held back. I don't have a lot of money with me, so I'm waiting for my own payday and the Internet to satisfy my anime cravings [EDITOR: AHAHAHA AGAIN?] We went to Harajuku around 6 PM, where I bought a nifty scarf. It was getting a little colder, but thanks to my awesome flannel scarf my neck and face are as toasty as my gloves.

We waited for a long time for a table here at the Elephant Cafe, and even longer for service. I just want to sleep, I am so very, very tired. The other people at the table are other AEON teachers, foreigners, and.....I can't remember to write, I'm so tired. Oh, joy, we just ordered drinks.



Mountain Hermit said...

The Moleskine is King of Notebooks. I love mine.

LisaBit said...

Pfft, have to keep reading indeed. good thing you make it so damn easy with the MASSIVELY PROLIFIC POSTING!!!

Hey, that's brain! Amaze!

Nigel said...

izzat sarcasm? 'cause I'm totally posting every day now ;P

LisaBit said...

No sarcasm - totally complimentary. I <3 all the updates!