Sunday, May 27, 2007

Piratica Codex

J74 Monday, May 28th 2007

I just got back from a day out. Went to the beach with K, had a grand old time kicking a soccer ball around. Then we had lunch/dinner at an awesome seaside restaurant. We did some math and figured out that in order to both see Pirates III *and* get back before the trains stopped we had to see a much earlier showing than we had planned with the rest of our group.

SO, Michael, myself, K, and Greg all hopped the train and hoofed it down to Mito. We saw Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End in English, with Japanese subtitles.

It was, without a doubt, one of the better movies I've ever seen. As a sequel, it shines. As an action movie, it explodes. As a pirate movie, it makes all the others walk the plank. My only regret is that I didn't get to see it with you :)

Afterwards, Clive and Claire joined us in Mito for a bit of dinner, and then a quick train ride back. We met a JET teacher (the first I've seen since coming to Japan) on the train and had a nice chat with him. The group wanted to hang a little while longer, so we walked to JOYCOM, the local arcade. It was closed, so we talked for nearly an hour about.....well, nothing really. The topics ranged, mostly about movies and shows. Having dressed for the beach earlier in the day and lacking time to change before going to Mito, I was still in shorts. With flip-flops. And a t-shirt. I had my photographer's vest, but it wasn't much protection against the cold. Still, I cowboyed up and took it like a man, and it wasn't that bad. I'm back at home now, desperate for some shut-eye before my follow up training tomorrow.

On a related note, since I need to be getting to sleep, I won't be posting my regularly-scheduled old journal entry tonight. Normalcy to resume in the days to come.

1 comment:

LisaBit said...

Awww, I wish you'd been here! We didn't do the dressing up thing this time around, but we did go this weekend. I'm glad to hear someone else enjoyed it... everyone thinks I'm crazy for thinking it was awesome.